Video Platforms: NetFlix is 1% of the Market, so whose Winning?
HOT DAMN! They are killing it. Data has this uncanny way of showing you the world for what it is.
‘Haves and Have Nots.’ In this case — a bunch of technology companies falling over each other in the desperate bid to deliver the latest video content. HotStar saw the writing on the wall and took the proverbial bull by its horns. Got to be careful these days with what you say about ‘bovines’ in India. ☺
The hard work & investment that Star put in upfront is paying off now. They understand the Indian audience extremely well. Star is a household name here. For that and a lot of other reasons — the market share break up makes a lot of sense.
Also they got cricket. And that makes all the difference. You can read about all that here & here. Netflix & Amazon Prime don’t really focus on live sports programming. That might change.
Confused about all those lines fighting for space in the graph above? Take a look at the notable players & how they pan out below:
Amazon Prime, is just getting started. This might be a smart customer acquisition strategy on their part but they are serious about India and it shows in the way they’re growing.
Netflix’ premium positioning reflects in its market share. Its content & pricing are not main stream by Indian standards. But I’m willing to bet their unit economics make the most sense.
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- Team KG
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